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Most key bindings get reset every other run (0.10.6)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:01 pm
by sillyfly
I recently started to get a really weird problem - it seems like every other run most of the key bindings get reset (i.e. appear as "not set" in config, and not assigned to any key). I fixed the problem twice already by copying the correct segment from "default-config.ini", and it works for one run, then in the next run - it happens again!

Any idea what may be causing it? or how to avoid this problem?

I'm on Linux 64 bit, factorio 0.10.6 .

p.s. - here is the controls section of my config.ini after the most recent launch of the game. In the last time it was ok.

Code: Select all

move-up=Not set
move-right=Not set
move-left=Not set
move-down=Not set
open-character-gui=Not set
open-technology-gui=Not set
close-gui=Not set
mine=Right Mouse Button
build=Left Mouse Button
build-ghost=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
remove-pole-cables=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
copy-entity-settings=SHIFT + Right Mouse Button
paste-entity-settings=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
select-for-blueprint=Left Mouse Button
open-gui=Left Mouse Button
next-weapon=Not set
pick-item=Left Mouse Button
stack-transfer=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
inventory-transfer=CONTROL + Left Mouse Button
fast-entity-transfer=CONTROL + Left Mouse Button
set-filter=Middle Mouse Button
cursor-split=Right Mouse Button
stack-split=SHIFT + Right Mouse Button
inventory-split=CONTROL + Right Mouse Button
fast-entity-split=CONTROL + Right Mouse Button
clear-filter=CONTROL + Middle Mouse Button
quickbar-6=SHIFT + 1
quickbar-7=SHIFT + 2
quickbar-8=SHIFT + 3
quickbar-9=SHIFT + 4
quickbar-10=SHIFT + 5
clean-cursor=Not set
drop-cursor=Not set
rotate=Not set
pick-items=Not set
shoot-selected=Not set
change-active-quickbar=Not set
zoom-in=Mouse wheel up
zoom-out=Mouse wheel down
production-statistics=Not set
toggle-map=Not set
connect-train=Not set
disconnect-train=Not set
pause-game=SHIFT + Not set
toggle-console=Not set
craft=Left Mouse Button
craft-5=Right Mouse Button
craft-all=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
cancel-craft=Left Mouse Button
cancel-craft-5=Right Mouse Button
cancel-craft-all=SHIFT + Left Mouse Button
editor-tool-primary-action=Left Mouse Button
editor-tool-secondary-action=Right Mouse Button
editor-remove-entity=Not set
editor-edit-entity-details=Not set

Re: Most key bindings get reset every other run (0.10.6)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:40 pm
by MF-
strange indeed

@avoiding config reset
Overwriting the config file every time the game is started doesn't do?
(create a launcher that copies a backup config over the real one and then launches...)
Not that it would solve anything, but it might reveal whether the issue occurs on reading configs or writing them.

Does your keyboard layout have any "weird" keys you tried using in the mappings?
I expect you would have reported it if there was a related console message

EDIT: looks like exactly those mappings that used a-zA-Z keys got lost?

Re: Most key bindings get reset every other run (0.10.6)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:49 pm
by sillyfly
Ah, yes, I think you helped me find the culprit - When exiting the game with a keyboard layout that doesn't have certain keys - those keys are deleted by the game.
This happens sometimes when I change my keyboard layout without noticing (I have 2 keyboard layouts configured, and the other one does not have latin characters).

I will link from the Bug Report forum to here. Thank you MF- for helping me find the exact setting to reproduce this :)

Re: Most key bindings get reset every other run (0.10.6)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:17 pm
by cube
Thanks for the report.
Due to limitations of Allegro we cannot store the physical keys used in the keybindnigs, so instead we remember the symbols corresponding to keys. As you have noticed, the problem is that when the keyboard layout changes, some symbols might disappear and they will be reported as not set.

In 0.10.9 the disappeared symbols will still be saved and when Factorio is launched with the previous layout it will work correctly again. This is the best I can do about it now.

Re: Most key bindings get reset every other run (0.10.6)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:32 pm
by sillyfly
That's ok. In fact, it works perfectly well if I switch layout while in the game (i.e. - the keys work even though they are not the same characters.), so it's only the startup that is problematic. If I only need to restart the game with English layout, without having to copy the default config again - that's good enough for me :)

Also - I noticed you moved the thread from Technical Help forum. You can move/remove this one from here as well - ... f=7&t=5199