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Tiny belt balancer - input balanced

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 10:11 am
by thereaverofdarkness
I figured out how to balance input converting both lanes of a full belt into a single lane, and it's super tiny! Just link up a double-filled yellow belt to run onto a single lane on a red belt. As long as you're drawing the resources at full rate and don't let them get backed up, the balancer will balance input perfectly. I find this is great for furnace setups. One of these balancers can handle 24 steel furnaces.

edit: thanks for the correction, Vladmirangel, I meant steel furnaces.

Re: Tiny belt balancer - input balanced

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:06 pm
by Vladmirangel
i would just like to correct your math. A fully packed yellow belt of ore can accommodate 48 Stone furnaces