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[solved][0.13.20]User Verification required

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:38 pm
by Grey
I will try to structure this as best as possible:
Lets start with:
Server Info
As all Clients are unable to join there is no info in Hardware, Clients use steam Version, but even on "unzipped" clients the following happens:
Problem in short
Long story
Unfortunately i cannot provide the logs of the "initial Crash", but thats not the matter. I built up Server from zip again, same with Client. Unable to join. When i remember correct on first join i was asked for the credentials (Name & pass) to my account. When i join now with fresh Client it only asks for username.

If other Information could be of use let me know, i try to provide. savegame is 24mb, not sure if Forum can handle.

Re: [0.13.20]User Verification required

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:12 pm
by Grey
With help of that awesome cracks of #Factorio i was able to work it out.

Solution for me was adding a server-Settings file. As documentation on this is quite poor i add it here and will also add on wiki once i find some minutes beneath playing...

I used the example Settings file "factorio/data/server-Settings-example.json" as base. Changed "visibility" to "hidden", for us its a community Server, and the "verify_user_identity" to "true". (full file attached)

last Thing to do is tell your Server to use the file by adding --server-Settings <File> to the commandline.
expl: bin/x64/factorio --Server-Settings server-Settings.json
(take care for permissions)

To the devs: Problem here was that Server was working fine "before Crash", afterwards its not working as before without the settingsfile. Not sure if Action is required here, but at least an hint would be nice.