[0.15.6] Laser Turret recharge problem

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[0.15.6] Laser Turret recharge problem

Post by xeneonic »

The last two attack speed upgrades for the Laser Turrets cause the Laser Turret to run out of energy faster than it recharges, even with more than enough power to sustain it.

It's a simple "charge speed < expenditure" at the high attack speeds.

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Re: [0.15.6] Laser Turret recharge problem

Post by Rseding91 »

I just tested it and I can assure you that the turret always has sufficient power to fire even at the max firing speed.

It might not look like it if you hover over the turret but that's just because it consumes the energy to fire, then the firing cooldown takes effect and during that time it recharges. Once the cooldown is over it tries to fire again and it always has sufficient power.
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Re: [0.15.6] Laser Turret recharge problem

Post by Aeternus »

Possible cause for this: Laser turret power draw is very high while recharging. If your power grid cannot handle that load, it'll recharge more slowly which reduces fire rate. Easy fix: Add a big cluster of Accumulators somewhere (100 or so).
It can be a problem in smaller bases or parts of your base with a disconnected power grid. (selfpowered outposts with laser based defenses).

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