Custom Chest GUI?

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Custom Chest GUI?

Post by vzybilly »

So, I've been trying to work out some GUI code and have come across many issues and nothing really seems to be helpful...

Pretty much what I'm trying to do is have a chest with a custom panel in the middle (like requesters) showing a train-stop-like GUI.
I've found the train-stop style but that uses a listbox which isn't a valid GUIElement.
I've also found that base game entity GUIs can't be fiddled with in lua unless I'm missing something... I get the feeling that the whole modding GUI has been left alone while the game progresses...
it would be nice to see a GUI tutorial in the modding section but as of now, it's all really hard to work through.

Also, this issue is the only thing holding back one of my mods (unreleased) so, if I can't get it working I'll have to trash the whole mod, sadly...
Will code for Food. I also have 11+ mods!

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