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Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid)

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:57 am
by ficolas
I am making a mod for assembling machines to work with steam instead of working with electricity (yay pipes everywhere!)
Basically this is the code:

Code: Select all


for i,d in pairs (data.raw.recipe) do
	if string.find(, "-steam", -6)==nil then
		-- I do this ^ so recipes that alredy have steam dont get re-done with even more water in the 
		-- ingredients, and it doesnt go into an infinite loop.
		if d.category=="crafting" then
			for ii,dd in pairs (d.ingredients) do 
				-- Here I convert the ingredient table, that can be done in two ways, to the 
				-- way that needs to be used when the ingredient table has a liquid.
				if dd.type~=nil then
			if d.result_count==nil then
			if d.results==nil then 
			--Here I'm doing the same, but for the result
				result={name=d.result, type="item", amount= amount}
			table.insert(recipeingredients, {type="fluid",name="water", amount=d.energy_required})
			-- And here I'm creating the new recipe, but with a -steam sufix and with the new ingredients.
					type = "recipe",
					name ="-steam",
					results = result,
					ingredients = recipeingredients,
					enabled = d.enabled,
					category = "assembling",
So the problem is that it says:

Code: Select all

 Error while loading prototype "small-plane-steam", no such node (name)
What is missing?
The biggest problem is that it can be a "name" field from the recipe, a "name" field from the ingredients, or for the result.
The thing that I have been having more problems with is the result so it may be a "name" field from the result, but I have no idea why D:

If I could print stuff to a log somehow but the i/o api is dissabled in the data.lua afaik, the new functions to create file are also dissabled, and there is no console :S

Re: Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:01 pm
by someloser
Is the

Code: Select all

               type = "recipe",
               name ="-steam",
               results = result,
               ingredients = recipeingredients,
               enabled = d.enabled,
               category = "assembling",
just a neater way of saying

Code: Select all

table.insert(data.raw.recipe, { type="recipe", blah, blah, blah, ..., } ) 

Re: Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:28 pm
by ficolas
Basically yes, data.raw is a table.
I rewrote the code and now is working, I dont know what was the problem but I have it working now.
Now the problem is that I cant figure out a way to make assembling machines use no power, and I cant figure out how to use energy_required to put the right amount of water, because any multiplication/divition/addition etc done with energy_required seems to threat energy_required as nil...

Re: Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:10 pm
by someloser
quite a few recipes don't state the energy_required parameter. IIRC, the default value used in this case is 0.5.

The power usage is set at the entity level, unless you want to add a special "Steam Powered Assembler", I don't think you can turn off the electrical usage based on the recipe used.

Re: Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:40 pm
by ficolas
someloser wrote:quite a few recipes don't state the energy_required parameter. IIRC, the default value used in this case is 0.5.

The power usage is set at the entity level, unless you want to add a special "Steam Powered Assembler", I don't think you can turn off the electrical usage based on the recipe used.
MM yea I should have known that because my mod used to have every recipe with energy_required beeing default...

And yes, I want to have a special steam powered assembler, the problem is that when I put electric usage 0kW, it it needs a electric connection, and when I give one, it says there is no power, maybe if I put electric ussage of 1W I can give it energy by setting the internal storage with the control.lua

Re: Trying to add another ingredient to every recipe (liquid

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:24 pm
by someloser
energy_source can be either electric or burner.. there seems to be no way to get a normally powered entity to run in a "self-powered" mode.

I suppose you could make it a burner assembler and require it to only use the added water recipes, but then you need to supply it fuel.

Can a fluid also be set as a fuel source?

Is energy_source a required property of type = "assembling-machine"?