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Don't show input/output-only EEIs in the opposite side of the energy statistic

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:13 pm
by tiriscef

The API allowes the creation of Electric Energy Interfaces that are only able to input or output energy.
If you set the EnergySource's ElectricUsagePriority to "primary/secondary-input" the EEI can not output energy, even if you set its power_production field at runtime.
Likewise if you set the priority to "primary/secondary-output" the EEI can not input energy, even if you set its power_usage field at runtime.

Even though those kinds of EEIs can only ever contribute to one side of the energy statistic, they always show up on both sides. The request is to make them only show up on the side they can contribute to. So that "*-input"-EEIs only show up in the Consumption statistic and "*-output"-EEIs only show up in the Production statistic.

For example: In a mod I'm working on I'm placing EEIs together with other entities as a compound entity, to simulate a power usage. They are set up with the priority set to "secondary-input", so that they will never output energy. But they appear in the production statistic nonetheless and confuse the player.

Thank you!