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What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:07 am
by Wolfae
So normally I don't mess with buying new games unless it's kinda like a game that I've played in the past. My brother showed me a trailer, and I was instantly like... "this game looks like enemy nations... Except more automated, and more game content."

In enemy nations, your race of intelligent beings have overpopulated and used too much resources on the home planet. Your race decided to send out a rocket ship colony to find another habitable planet to occupy. Your race found it.... And so did a lot of other races. In order to avoid conflict in galactic war, a treaty was signed saying that everyone will be able to land a rocket on the planet with an equal amount of resources, equipment, etc. The last race remaining will take control of the planet. You land your rocket somewhere, and basically build a civilization, and weapons to fend off the other races. It's automated in Logistics and production, but not construction or military. It's a windows 200 game, and I suggest you do not attempt to play on XP or higher because it doesn't work correctly on later versions of stuff.

Since I thought of enemy nations because of factorio, I bought it almost instantly.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:16 am
by greep
-High reviews
-Builder game

Didn't even read the description. Not regretted :)

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:37 am
by golfmiketango
by far #1 reason: negative root made it look pretty damn interesting on youtube.

#2 linux support. I have buyer's remorse about too many games I have to boot windows for -- they just wind up sitting on my hard disk unplayed.

#3: Like most of my video game purchases, I acquired it "out of band" before I paid for it. After a few hours of play, I immediately took off my eye patch and drowned my parrot. Buying it was absolutely a no-brainer. I'm surprised I hadn't found out about it sooner, it scratches a great many of my itches as a gamer.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 6:46 am
by albatrosv13

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:34 am
by Terukio
GIrlfriend introduced it to me. Proceeded to ignore her the rest of the day playing it. Girlfriend no longer plays it due to me trying to be optimal. Girlfriend doesn't play anymore BUT I DO. Love this game <3

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:48 am
by Neotix
Game itself. I downloaded cracked version and after 1-2 hours of playing, I bought it.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:53 am
by Koub
albatrosv13 wrote:You are assuming that everyone here on forums have already bought this game.

Because of that assumption, i can't asnwer that question. Except that i thought about buying that game, but then the devs scaled up the price, soo.....
So I'm understanding that in the more than two years you've been posting here - and seeing your posts, you did actually enjoy the game enough to keep playing it all this time - you haven't bought the game. And you didn't buy it after all this time because, at one point, devs raised the price (and we were warned at what date the price tag woulg raise well before) as the game got closer to a finished product than it was at the beginning. Now it would be a little more honest to say "I have played this game for two years, enjoyed it, and will keep on playing it, because I don't give a shit that the devs get paid for their work". That would be honest :). There is absolutely no way your position is defendable.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:30 pm
by Flight
I first saw the game on Steam with great reviews, but from the trailer it seemed to be too dense, complicated. I turned it down.

Later I saw a guy on a gaming forum explaining how awesome it was, and then I decided to try.

Maybe the trailer should show that you don't necessarily need to build something that big and that complex to actually make progress and have fun.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 6:07 pm
by Kewlhotrod
golfmiketango wrote: #2 linux support.
and this
Neotix wrote:Game itself. I downloaded cracked version and after 1-2 hours of playing, I bought it.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 6:39 pm
by Jonathan88
I watched Nerdcubed play it (the original video, not the 'loves' one he put out recently) and bought it the same day after playing the Demo 3 times over!
Also it had Linux support, which seems to be an important factor looking at the other peoples' responses! Yay Linux!

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 7:26 pm
by MobRules
The production chains that this game specializes in are something I've tried to play with in Dwarf Forteress, (heavily modded) Minecraft, and Simutrans. But since in this game, the automated production chains are the primary purpose, Factorio does a better job with them. Plus, it's addictive as hell. (still a major DF fan, but the production-chain mechanic is much better in Factorio)

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:24 am
by esotericist
NESTT. Also, in the same post as I found out about NESTT, I discovered the future existence of spidertron.

When I saw those, I finally went, "Yessss, this will be miiiiine."

Then I discovered the full game is a LOT more fun than the demo campaign implied. I, also, spent a lot of time trying to do logistics chains in other games, and found them always lacking. Factorio does a much better job at these, mechanically... although I'm looking forward to improved UX (research tree, train layout HUD elements, etc).

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 6:23 am
by Sean Mirrsen
Saw it some long time ago on someone's youtube video, thought it was neat but very obtuse, and the lack of a version I could realistically buy (USD to RUR conversion was never very favorable) meant I shelved it as a memory and forgot about it.

Two months ago accidentally scrolled too far down in the Steam client store, saw the game in the suggested list. The RUR price is still much higher than what I'd pay for any game, and the description mentions not going on sale... ever... so that's a no-buy. The reviews are hilariously one-sided though, so a trip to some tracker later I'm playing an, er, evaluation copy. Seems rather fun..

Had fun with the game as it was, but was (and still am) unimpressed with the chosen early progression. Mod idea(s) brewing, but feel that I shouldn't go about asking for modding help when I don't own the game. Game still too expensive to buy.

Finally caved in some two weeks ago, thanks to a momentary abundance of spare funds. The RUR region price is rather too high compared to similar $20 games' converted prices on Steam, that plus no sales means that a player even slightly less honorable than me would have probably kept playing the otherwise identical DRM-and-purchase-free version. :P

Still, I do think the game deserves it overall. And I do personally think it's a stupid pricing policy, but there's that saying - if it's stupid but it works.... ;)

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:54 pm
by bigyihsuan
I bought it sometime in January last year because of Zisteau's Factorio 0.11 let's play.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 9:49 am
by Mini-Me

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:10 am
by Man-of-location
1) Complexe system
2) High score on steam
3) Potential to be the next (minecraft) with the same success , please dont sell the licence to Microsoft
4) Fun
5) A new and maybe a futur good RTS with survival system , like food or water filtering

That's why :)

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:48 pm
by scootzter
I saw a video of it a couple of years ago (didn't you love the rocket defense graphics :P) by quill18 and instantly fell in love with it. This is a great factory building game that brings lots of fun and sadness when you have to sleep/go to work. Not many games can obliterate my sense of time like this one does, as I'm sure a good number of you have found out. "Oh I couldn't have played that long, oh no it's 6am!" :P
Anyways, all this coupled with the fact that they keep releasing new content for free it was a must buy.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:21 pm
by Stan K
A friend told me: "I'm playing this addictive game, if you care about your spare time, stay away from it"...

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:01 pm
by MeduSalem

That there haven't been any good logistics/puzzle games in something like a decade. So when I heard about Factorio through a friend I literally had no choice but buying it because I am crazy for that kind of games.

Re: What inspired you to buy Factorio?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:31 pm
by daaz
Been following the game for a while (and also had a less clean version downloaded). Realised my old TF2 crates actually worth something, ended up with 23 euros. Best impulse purchase ever!
On a slightly more serious note, while crawling the forums i have seen how common bugfixes and small releases are. Not to mention the game's performance, the actual gameplay, the sprite-style graphics... Games like this worth every cent they cost.