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New to the forums, not so new to Factorio

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:02 pm
by Mangledpork
Hi, I'm Bentham, known by the Youtube name of Mangledpork.
I started playing Factorio some time before 0.9 became stable and started doing Youtube videos on it shortly after. It's quickly become my favourite game, toppling what I though was the unassailable position of KSP! More than that, it's the only reason my channel has subscribers, and the devs then proved their awesome by giving me 3 promotional keys despite me having barely any subscribers!
So with the game being awesome and the devs being so awesome I expect that there's an awesome community here that I totally forgot about because I was distracted by the game itself.
I paid for this when I found out that I missed out on taking part in Fishsandwich and Co.'s Hydra Dilemma series.
So here I am to make sure I don't miss out on anything else.
Here's my channel: where I have a 4x speed Factorio series with commentary and also make a bunch of tutorials and such.
It would be good if the forums had a new arrivals section, for people to introduce themselves. I couldn't fins such a section so I just went for general.
Well I've plugged myself now so I'll go off and find something useful to do as a balance.

Re: New to the forums, not so new to Factorio

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:45 pm
by Hardison
Welcome Mangle! Good to have another Factorio Fanatic aboard.

Re: New to the forums, not so new to Factorio

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:46 pm
by ssilk
Mangledpork wrote:Here's my channel: where I have a 4x speed Factorio series with commentary and also make a bunch of tutorials and such.
You are welcome.
Most youtubers put their video announcements into

It would be good if the forums had a new arrivals section, for people to introduce themselves. I couldn't fins such a section so I just went for general.
Well I've plugged myself now so I'll go off and find something useful to do as a balance.
Use the off-topic forum.
There is a sticky thread "where do you live?".