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Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:07 am
by Jools

Bob's mods are great. They adds much depth but something i concerning me: Rocket. Its recipe include quite low/mid tier materials which makes very easy to build after few hours. Shouldnt it cost like 10k tungsten, 10k zinc battery etc? So rocket could be build at only very end, with very advenced materials, not mid tier ones? It was kind disapoting about this mod.

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:50 am
by depeter
You can check out , it's a mod someone made to tweak some of Bob's stuff. Amongst other things, it'll make launching rockets a bit more challenging :)

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:02 pm
by Jools
Looks interesting, but what will happen to CMHMod if Bob will update his Bob's mods?

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:13 pm
by depeter
There's a chance that it'll take a while before it gets updated, but that risk is always there (Angels vs Bobs, any mod vs the base game). It doesn't have that many users, so the chance of someone picking up the slack if the author doesn't update immediately is smaller, but the author updated pretty quickly after 0.13.
Also, most small changes / additions to Bob's probably wouldn't cause compatibility issues.

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:14 pm
by WoodyDaOcas
tbh it seems it already happened, kinda :) At least now, on the current version, I am "enhancing" the coal into solid fuel with a hydrogen, that is one of the changes in the other mod.
Btw. anyone did the math on the effectivity of the process ? I kinda feel like it's worth it :)) but I have to use 6 electrolysers to create enough hydrogen for nonstop production of coal->solid fuel.

6x electrolyser = 6x 180kW = 1080kW
6x vent = 6x30kW = 180kW (to get rid of oxygen, bit soon for that, yeah)
1x chemical 210kW
1470kW .. umm.. how do I continue from here, please ? :)
This consumption has to go for, I dunno, 1sec for eletrolysis, 3sec for the coal->solid process.

Coal 8MJ, solid fuel 25MJ
Little help, please ? :)

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:14 pm
by Jools
WoodyDaOcas wrote:tbh it seems it already happened, kinda :) At least now, on the current version, I am "enhancing" the coal into solid fuel with a hydrogen, that is one of the changes in the other mod.
Btw. anyone did the math on the effectivity of the process ? I kinda feel like it's worth it :)) but I have to use 6 electrolysers to create enough hydrogen for nonstop production of coal->solid fuel.

6x electrolyser = 6x 180kW = 1080kW
6x vent = 6x30kW = 180kW (to get rid of oxygen, bit soon for that, yeah)
1x chemical 210kW
1470kW .. umm.. how do I continue from here, please ? :)
This consumption has to go for, I dunno, 1sec for eletrolysis, 3sec for the coal->solid process.

Coal 8MJ, solid fuel 25MJ
Little help, please ? :)
Just use solar resource and forget about coal. Its unreliable and leads to pollution/evolution.

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:25 pm
by WoodyDaOcas
Well.. of course, but it might take a while :) I am honestly interested in the "how" to calculate this one. Anyone, please ?

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:04 pm
by bobingabout
Basic way for each ingredient to calculate the energy cost is...

(Recipe time / machine speed) = processing time in seconds.
Processing time * Machine power consumption = Power consumed.

do that for fuel blocks, electrolysis and void oxygen recipes, keep the figures separate.

Take the electrolysis cost, multiply is by how many hydrogen are needed in the fuel blocks recipe, divide by how many hydrogen are produced per cycle, and add it on to the fuel block cost.

Then do oxygen produced / hydrogen produced on the electrolysis recipe, and multiply that by how many hydrogen are needed to get oxygen produced per hydrogen needed. this gives you have many oxygen are produced per fuel block recipe.
divide that by how many oxygen are consumed in the void recipe... multiplied by the void recipe cost from earlier... add that to the fuel block recipe cost.

and you should have the total power consumption to create a fuel block, from coal + hydrogen.

you will get different results depending which electrolyser and chemical plant you use. I sugest doing it twice, once for the lowest possible tier of each machine, and again for the highest.

this doesn't include inserter movement costs, any robot movements costs, or power consumed by idle cycles (most things still consume an idle power)

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:17 pm
by WoodyDaOcas
<3 thank you
Also for the mod, for your work, I am going to have a great week of playing :)

Re: Bob's mods end game (rocket silo)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:44 am
by CMH
Jools wrote:Looks interesting, but what will happen to CMHMod if Bob will update his Bob's mods?
I do my best, but I'm just a regular player with limited programming ability.

On the plus side Bobingabout is very helpful when I hit any snags, so while it might take a week or so to fix any bugs, if its gamebreaking I'll do my best to fix.

If I end up abandoning the mod I will make it very clear about it. But for now I'm looking for more ideas on changes/balancing, and on the lookout for bugs.