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List of public servers

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:35 pm
by tetryon
So far I've found only two (vanilla) public servers - one from sugaming, and the other by Bisa. I'm very grateful to the hosts for the opportunities to play.

I've searched in vain for a list of public servers, or in fact any other public servers. Are they just not a common thing yet, or are they generally not a preferred option?

It doesn't seem like a very large community just yet, so I'm thinking the former. But if there is a list, or hosts wish to reply to this with their details, then that'd be awesome!

Re: List of public servers

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:14 pm
by Bisa
I think this ... 133&t=6641 (not really used afaik) is the only "tool" so far.
However, with the approaching 0.13 steam release as you can see in the topic - they will most likely add some kind of multiplayer server lobby thing which will ease the locating of public servers

but for now, you just have to check in this subforum from time to time :)