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Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:26 am
by Florian
I want to suggest a Subforum for Let's Play Topics. I think the "Show your Creations" Forum is overload with these kind of Topics.

Don't understand me wrong. It is great that there are so many people who spread the word, but topics where player show there base with some pictures or one video are hard to find. Let's plays are also creations, but you need hours of watching videos to see the result.
When someone post his pictures of his finished base, within one day the topic is only on 10th place. Because there are so many Let's play topics with a new post only saying that there is one more episode online.
I watch 2 Let's Play Series which i found in the forum, but i think it is time for an Let's Play Subforum.
So I hope Pictures of Creations comming back.

(Sorry for my bad english)

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 2:07 am
by FishSandwich
Here's an idea. How about a subforum for all topics that aren't LP? :)

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:41 pm
by Florian
At the Moment 8 of the first 10 Topics in the "Show your Creations"-Forum are LP Topics. When somebody want to show his first base and want a comment and some tips for optimization the topic get not enough attention it needs.

Maybe they come in the Forum see only Let's Play Topics on top and don't think about to show their creation.

And when i look in the other topics the Topic Creator often wants some Screenshots from other people to see how they have solved a problem or only to see other bases.

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:20 pm
by keyboardhack
I support the op on this. The "Show your creations" sub forum is filled with lets plays so i think they deserve their own subforum.

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:58 am
by FishSandwich
Florian wrote:At the Moment 8 of the first 10 Topics in the "Show your Creations"-Forum are LP Topics.
Surely you jest? I count 7 on the front page out of 25 topics, and only 4 are in the top 10. Maybe your math is off, or you are mistaking certain topics for LP when in fact they are not.
Florian wrote:Maybe they come in the Forum see only Let's Play Topics on top and don't think about to show their creation.

And when i look in the other topics the Topic Creator often wants some Screenshots from other people to see how they have solved a problem or only to see other bases.
I think the problem is more that the community is small and uninterested in showing off their build, especially considering that factorio has been around for so long that new builds are far and few between. If you look back through the pages, you'll see that the problem has been around since long before LP topics started to come up. The solution then is to post your own content and try to encourage others as best you can to participate. :)

Sorry to fight this, but just because LP topics are most active there does not mean they are the problem, and I do not see how hiding LP topics away will solve anything. :)

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:02 am
by ssilk
I'm watching this "problem" now for very long time and currently I don't see a problem with the Let's plays. There is just not enough traffic in this board and if, then the let's plays can be easily sorted out by topic name in most cases.

On the other hands I think the videos make the forum more rich of useful content and then there is also some kind of discussions here, which really brings this game forward and it is also quite entertaining. If that is split up, it isn't the same as now.

This may change in future! Of course. And I'm sure it will change at some time, but currently?... just not enough traffic to mention it.
So, to make it fully clear: I'm currently against that.

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:34 pm
by FishSandwich
Florian wrote:Maybe they come in the Forum see only Let's Play Topics on top and don't think about to show their creation.
Sorry to necro this, but it would seem the LP threads weren't the issue after all. :roll:

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:08 pm
by Peter34
keyboardhack wrote:I support the op on this. The "Show your creations" sub forum is filled with lets plays so i think they deserve their own subforum.
There was also some Let's Play threads being posted in the "Spread the Word"-subforum (a dude named Bevo who only made 2 videos, and Direwolf20 who made 12 good ones). That's a mess. All Let's Plays should be in one subforum of their own.

Re: Subforum for Let's Plays

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:05 pm
by ssilk
For me as moderator the most important count is, how good the topics and posts are spreading across the boards.

Currently I don't see much need to change something here (there is of course always something which can improved), but I'm of course open for any suggested change.