Mouseover the "toggle personal roboport" shows where your construction bots are

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Mouseover the "toggle personal roboport" shows where your construction bots are

Post by Bertus »

Mouseover the "toggle personal roboport" button shows where your construction bots are using arrows if they are off-screen.
What ?
I often run past something that needs to be built and construction bots leave my personal roboport to build it. Then when I am halfway around the map I notice I am missing construction bots and have no idea where they are. The I just sit there waiting half an hour for them to catch up.

When you mouseover the alerts for building ghosted stuff Factorio shows arrows pointing to where the missing items are on the map.

So why not: when you mouseover the toggle personal roboport icon it shows where your construction bots are using those same arrows.
Why ?
I don't like to wait half an hour for my bots to catch up. When I am waiting I am not playing the game, which is boring. I want to play the game.
Yes I know about the "Visible Bots" mod.

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Re: Mouseover the "toggle personal roboport" shows where your construction bots are

Post by Ranakastrasz »

I agree.
Visible bots is already an ingame option if you open up the megamap, but you still have to search manually,

As a second alternative, there is a debug option that draws a teamcolored line between your avatar and all personal robots. F4 menu, don't recall the name
My Mods:
Modular Armor Revamp - V16
Large Chests - V16
Agent Orange - V16
Flare - V16
Easy Refineries - V16

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