Command line flag (dump-defines) to dump prototype defines

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Command line flag (dump-defines) to dump prototype defines

Post by Redruin »

1.1.77's patch notes add several data-extraction oriented command line options:
  • Added a command line flag (dump-data) to dump data-raw to the script output folder as json.
  • Added a command line flag (dump-icon-sprites) to dump prototype icons to the script output folder.
  • Added a command line flag (dump-prototype-locale) to dump prototype locale to the script output folder.
My proposal is to add another option (dump-defines) that would dump either a Lua or JSON table of the API defines to script output.
In order for the Factorio data-stage of the load process to take place, this table must exist in the Lua context under the name `defines`. This is important when emulating this load process (a la my module draftsman), but the data is not provided in Wube's official factorio-data repo, nor the official API website. Instead, it has to be manually extracted from the game (for each game version) with the command:

Code: Select all

/c game.write_file("defines.lua", "defines = " .. serpent.block(defines, {indent="    "}))
By adding a command line option for this it potentially opens up the option for a completely automated workflow where all information needed for the load-process can be extracted automatically on Factorio version bump.
It would also be perfectly fine if this defines file was included in some way in the "factorio-data" repo, which would make this option unnecessary. But I imagine that such data actually lies in C++ code (which will have to be converted every version anyway) and introducing such a file might create complications.

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Re: Command line flag (dump-defines) to dump prototype defines

Post by Xorimuth »

You can use the existing command line arguments to load a specific directory of mods (which would have a mod that runs your defines dump command) and to load into a specific save so that the mod is loaded and can run its command.
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Content: Lunar Landings | Freight Forwarding | Spidertron Patrols | Spidertron Enhancements | Power Overload
QoL: Factory Search | Remote Configuration | Module Inserter Simplified | Wire Shortcuts X | Ghost Warnings

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