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Idea For Late Game

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:52 pm
by MegaNanome
I think that when we get to the point past being able to make the Rocket Defense, there is nothing else to really do. I think the developers should implement a demand for items besides research. I thought it could be like creating items for sell at other planets or a giant global, multiplayer market, in which the player sell and buy objects on the market through a space port system. The goal for the whole market is to support of building the ultimate weapon to end the natives, the Quintillions of items needed will be supplied by this market. That goal in which everyone help to make. Giant contributors can get plaques for their efforts, rewards for long time masters. This overarching batter between the natives will try to inhibit that production with new flying, artillery, space barring mothership, and fighter creatures. They want you to stop but so do nativepros. They will also do anything to help them. You can be nativepro with a whole new production line involved with peaceful alien research and Eco-friendly power sources. The factions fight to support the weapon (Factorian) or the mothership (Nativain). This designs the game.

Re: Idea For Late Game

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:59 pm
by katyal
So I guess you haven't taken a look at the dev's blog yet. The last three posts were about end game. Also, if you'd care to do a search, there are more than a few threads with ideas for the end game.

Re: Idea For Late Game

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:41 pm
by MegaNanome
well it was just a idea...just a idea.

Re: Idea For Late Game

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:48 pm
by FishSandwich
MegaNanome wrote:well it was just a idea...just a idea.
Problem is so many people post the same ideas or ideas that are already being worked on, where if they took 10 minutes to search they would know.

It gets annoying reading the same 'new idea' every day.