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Compact science pack1 assembling line

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:03 am
by nicolaasvanwaveren
Hi everyone!

Here is my Science Pact 1 assembling line. I think it is ultra compact.
Compact science pack1 assembling line
Compact science pack1 assembling line
Science Pack 1.PNG (1.21 MiB) Viewed 7408 times
Have a look and tell me what you think about it and if I can improve on it please.


Re: Compact science pack1 assembling line

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:33 am
by ray4ever
I like your Version. Even though I tend to dont merge the copper and iron belts and just split them, resulting in an layout like this:
And this my Science Pack 3 production which is working really well if you have a good iron and copper supply:

Re: Compact science pack1 assembling line

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:06 am
by ssilk
For red and green one merged belt would cope a really high number of production. And with faster belts really any. (Blue is a bit different.)

In my eyes for red and green any optimization isn't needed, the first, ugliest, smallest layout will work; I think it's much more important to have short belts!

Because in the beginning every piece of iron counts and a belt can be seen also as a long storage, which stores about 6 items per tiles and lane. A long belt, let's say 20 tiles, stores 240 items!

This is most times completely underestimated, how much this is: This is the output of a mine for about 10 minutes!