Inefficient but compact

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Inefficient but compact

Post by Melodi-of-Crystals »

What's the smallest footprint you can make that gets to blue belts? I'm trying to find up with something small, and don't mind idling a while since I'll usually be cutting down swaths of trees and fighting off huge waves using most starter base builds I've seen.
Nintendo switch -
- 3 rockets launched :lol:
- Two worlds made too large to load
- Five times jumpscared by biters when the sound was off
- Still think I can outrun the train (nope)
- Trying to find the maximum SPM of a switch

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Re: Inefficient but compact

Post by mrvn »

One burner miner, one furnace, one assembler 2, one pump jack, one oil refinery, one chemical plant, one science lab, a lot of walking around moving the miner and changing recipes.

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Re: Inefficient but compact

Post by mmmPI »


This is super compact !

If you don't want to use mod i think 0.5 science per second is quite decent scale to reach "end game technology" while not forcing the players to develop gigantic logistic; It may seem underwhelming for red and green science but the later ones requiring much more raw material if everything is scaled for 0.5 science per second the total is manageable with "small foot print".

Also it's possible to pretend that all assembly machines are speed 1 from the start, really it's less than that when it's only assembly1, but since they can upgraded later, it can help managing the size of the footprint. ( if you need 5 assembly machine 3 in late game , avoid placing 12 or 15 lower tier of assembly in mid game to make up for the same output)

You dont need yellow science for blue belts and it is extra footprint to make it before the blue belts. But also going through it allow to use robots to make those blue belts which could be a a footprint reducer. It would be innefficient to use robots to carry everything, but also it reduce the need for belts, which are taking much room on the ground :)

ps : grenades, poison capsules and flamethrower are lumberjacks favourites tools

Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:18 pm

Re: Inefficient but compact

Post by Melodi-of-Crystals »

I like both ideas, I'm just trying to figure out what's possible to recreate given the Switch's two limitations of no modding and no importing blueprints except by passing them between players. (Can't even copy from chat)
Nintendo switch -
- 3 rockets launched :lol:
- Two worlds made too large to load
- Five times jumpscared by biters when the sound was off
- Still think I can outrun the train (nope)
- Trying to find the maximum SPM of a switch

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