The end game to other planets - mod

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The end game to other planets - mod

Post by provet »

With the Rocket done you can now travel to other planets, where you will phase your biggest challenges yet!
For the first planet you gotta be prepared as the planet won't have any breathable air, meaning oxygen will be sparse and you will have to bring some with you! Luckily your lander had enough space for a limited air-filtering system which you estimate will last you a couple of days of oxygen, so getting oxygen to generate on the planet will be one of your higher priorities. But whats even worse are the big unknown natives on the planet, they should be at least four times bigger than anything you've previously encountered! At least the scanner didn't pick up very fast movement from the ones you scanned, so that's something!

If not for the long range scanner you built to scan the planet your sure you would've died a horrible death. The atmosphere may have looked okay from far away but once you figured out it's green and yellow-ish contents it struck you, a makeshift solution for that toxicity and wouldn't have been possible in time. Now with the lander setup with the correct modules you will soon be ready for launch to Kybro-5268C the one planet you've been looking for, for so long. If your readings are correct, this is one of the very few planets that contains the rare Naquadah in a sufficient concentration for it to have crystallized into big enough chunks to be mineable on the planets surface.

Okay Enough lore-ish things! :D

What I want is the feature to travel to other planets! To land on a planet you need a lander which will work as your HQ that will bring you life-support and defense as well as a lab to research new things you discover on the planet (Separate tech tree containing extraterrestrial related research that doesn't need red, green, blue or purple science but samples from the resources and creatures you find.
The new planets would provide different kinds of challenges and not just hordes of aliens (like unsurpassable terrain or weather and Meteorite rain etc), findings of relics from ancient civilizations etc.

The goal and end of the game would be to find the right resources to finally build a jump drive to get home (once on-board the rocket with a jump drive it's game over). Along the way tech like Star-gates to instantly travel between planets (for a high energy cost) could be researched.
Also terra-forming of planets, quests and bosses to kill could come along the way, but I think this would be too hard to create with current factorio.

I feel that this game really need something big as end-game content! Not just a resource sink with a score-board! Replaying the game gets kinda tedious after the 15:th time and most mods only adds resource-sinks or more of similar content that already exist or slowdown the current game-play. I want something in-depth that makes all the "grinding" worth it! :D

What do you think guys? Leave thoughts and suggestions! :D

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by Rseding91 »

Just one question: Who's making the graphics?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by Quazar »

Funny, I came here to talk about this very thing! The next planet should be even more fun than the one you crash land onto.

What are the good resource-sink endgame mods?

I think you've got some good ideas but yeah, will need a good artist!

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by provet »

Rseding91 wrote:Just one question: Who's making the graphics?

How about white boxes everywhere with a name tag? :D :D

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by Factorio2016 »

provet wrote:How about white boxes everywhere with a name tag? :D :D
Not funny.
"Wait until the developers themselves will fly to another planet."
Then we can think what should be changed.
English is not my native language. Translator.

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by Adil »

Factorio2016 wrote:provet wrote:
How about white boxes everywhere with a name tag?

Not funny.
How about ASCII graphics then?

Yeah, that's the problem with all the "add more new content" mods: the creation of new content is rather time extensive. You need to first come up with all the new stuff and picture it in your head, then tediously put it line by line into prototypes, then you need to come up with graphics for all that. Takes a particularly devoted creative person. And apparently most of the modders here enjoy other kind of labor.
I do mods. Modding wiki is friend, it teaches how to mod. Api docs is friend too...
I also update mods, some of them even work.
Recently I did a mod tutorial.

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Re: The end game to other planets - mod

Post by Quazar »

Kinda wandering OT but whatevs... I did a game once and was surprised how many artists will contribute just for the "I did a project for a video game" lols.

So, break out the virtual crayons and scribble your ideas, don't let pixels hold you back!

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