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First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 8:32 pm
by BurnHard
Just wanted to share my first playthrough with some twists ;)

I have been playing since 0.5 (i believe) and been one of the first few thousands who bought the game. But today i have finally managed to launch my first rocket with a satelite ;)

Thanks for the really great game guys.

PS. Please change the wording in the achievement "Steam all the way" i always thought i am not allowed to "build" (aka produce) any solar panel (thus playing without portable solar panels and so with no energy shield, nightvision etc.). But it seems you are just not allowed to "place" them in the world.

Re: First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:41 pm
by terror_gnom
Gratz, but how did you build the satelite without Solarpanels?

Re: First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:52 pm
by BurnHard
terror_gnom wrote:Gratz, but how did you build the satelite without Solarpanels?
yeah, that was the exact moment where i knew something was off :D [I thought that launching the rocket will end the game, even without a satellite]

I launched the rocket, the game didn't end. So I loaded an old save and build the satellite. Thankfully i still got the "no solar" achievement. So as i said, it seems to be allowed to "build" the solar panels, but it is forbidden to "place" them in the world.

Re: First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:55 pm
by 5thHorseman
terror_gnom wrote:Gratz, but how did you build the satelite without Solarpanels?
I assume that's how he found out the achievement allowed crafting them.

"Oh man. I have been playing without solar this whole time, and now at the very end of the game I find out I could have been crafting them all along!"

Congrats. I still remember my first win. It was glorious. I don't think I got any achievements for it (other than the "you won" one) because I was flailing so hard just to get the darn rocket launched.

Re: First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 1:04 pm
by purdueme91
And if you still have that pre-launch save, you can get the "So long and thanks for all the fish" achievement by launching something other than a satellite.

Re: First real playthrough, great experience.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 5:09 pm
by BurnHard
Thanks for the tip ;)