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Unnecessary pop-up reuse

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:48 pm
by GlassDeviant
This pop-up is perfectly good and in the first use, more or less necessary:


However, it appears every single time I load the game now. I am also assuming that it is a part of Factorio, not Steam (though clearly interacting with Steam), since it is inside the game and appears in a Factorio-styled dialogue window.

I get it, I don't need to see it every single time I load the game, and I don't want to have to click the confirm every single time (#unnecessaryclicks). I have CTS and fibromyalgia, and my hands are abused enough. And yes, I know, it's only one click per gaming session, no need for anyone to point out that obvious fact. Unnecessary clicks add up over time and across game after game. That's why Factorio has blueprints and cut-and-paste.

So my request/idea/suggestion is to show it once and once only, unless the situation changes.

Thanks for consideration,


Re: Unnecessary pop-up reuse

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:02 am
by ssilk
Sounds more like a bug to me. Moved from suggestions to bugs.

Re: Unnecessary pop-up reuse

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:33 pm
by posila
It's not a bug. So I am moving it back to ideas and suggestions.

People forget they chose some specific version and then report bugs about the game not updating. Also if you want to stay on a specific version, I suggest you download it from the website as older builds get deleted sooner or later (except for the latest release of each major update).

Re: Unnecessary pop-up reuse

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:48 am
by ssilk
Should then be part of this notice.

“How to get rid of this message?”
<click> Opens a window with the explanations.

Also useful: don’t print “this version”, but “this version (v1.2.3beta, newest version v4.5.6stable)”